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Getting rid of rogue viruses and malware

So you went into safe mode,  ran a cleaner (CCleaner or bleach bit) and ran an anti-malware program and when you restart, your  PC becomes infected again.  So what happened?

Many times, the virus is in the startup group and has been copied to your program files or program data folder.  Even though the cleaners removed the virus, the virus may be dynamic and when restarted, it spawns (polymorphic) and reinfects the computer.   The virus has cloned itself and is basically regenerating itself when Windows reboots.

You can get to the source of the problem and delete the virus and leftover files just after you clean it in safe mode.

Note:   Executing the file by identically clicking on it will reinfect the computer.   If the single click is on (Mouse), turn off the single mouse click option prior to navigating to the folder containing the virus.
Skilled professionals can capture the virus and practice removing the virus by using an old pc or a virtualized operating system in an educational environment.  This should be in a controlled lab.   Anytime you work with viruses (removal or educational),  it must be controlled and infected computers should be backed up and removed from the network.

Microsoft Security Essentials not updating

If Microsoft Security Essentials is not updating on your computer, there are a couple of things you can do to get it working.
Open up services on your computer (Go to search and type services.msc or go to Administrative Tools under the control panel and double click on services).  Find Windows update and make sure it is set to Automatic.
Windows updates must be on.  MSE will check for updates when definitions are greater than 24 hours old.
Verify your computer’s time is correct.
Also if you are a heavy user, go to settings and make sure the Start the Scheduled Scan is unchecked (when my PC is on but not in use).
Anti-Malware list
Which anti-malware should you use when removing a virus or malware?  Here’s a list if removal is tough.   These programs can be used for system maintenance.  You should use cleaners such as Glary or CCleaner to clean your computer first.   To boot into safe mode and uncheck all startup items (NOT process) by typing MSConfig in the run line.  Then run these programs when removing a virus/malware.

Sirefef infections explode due to new infection technique

The Sirefef/Zaccess family of Trojans – designed to download other malware, disable the machine’s security features, and often make lasting changes to the computer – is usually distributed to unsuspecting victims via email spam campaigns. But its peddlers have lately changed tack, and have begun bundling the malware with codecs, game installers, and crack/keygen applications, Trend Micro warns.

Microsoft’s Safety Scanner

Microsoft now has a Safety Scanner that helps to remove Malware and Viruses.   At approximately 70 Mb, the Safety Scanner comes in both 32bit and 64bit.  An excellent utility to download and run on your computer or an infected computer.   MSS expires (for a good reason – I’ve seen people scan a computer and say that it is clean but the file was old -thus the virus was not detected) every 10 days.
Remember to run an anti-virus on your computer and to keep it up-to-date!

Ultra Virus Killer

Part of our curriculum is reviewing blogs such as Bill Mullins and other popular tech blogs.    Rhett Turner a current student mentions Bill quite often in class when Bill reviews of software are posted on his site.   A recent review of Ultra Virus Killer on Bill’s site showed how this program uses many programs to help remove malware and viruses.   The combination of many powerful malicious software removal programs makes Ultra Virus Killer a software to add to your collection.

Free dual-engine portable malware scanner

Here’s a good program that is free for home use.
Emsisoft Emergency Kit 2.0 protects against malware infections of any kind. It is fully portable and therefore requires no installation whatsoever, ready to be launched directly from storage media devices. (shared by AddThis)  Read more  at Help Net Security
Emsisoft Emergency Kit 2.0 (131 MB)

Intrusion Prevention System GeSWall

An excellent freeware program (Server and Professional versions are available).   By establishing rules, GeSWall can control network access and prevent files from being disclosed, malicious software infections, and much more.  With zombies, bots, worms and other malicious threats, GeSWall is an excellent application to protect your computer.

Check Your Security Applications

Many times you would like to know about the security behind an application.  OESIS OK is a certification program for these software vendors.  OESIS OK verifies that your application for security will operate in a leading network environment and that it is a quality product.  Application Lists
You can go to OESIS OK and search their site and verify products or download their application that searches your computer.  Download directly.

Immunet Cloud Antivirus Continues to Grow

Several months ago, we began to experiment with Immunet Protect.  Rick, a student who is in the CIT program read this product was perfect for netbooks.  Months later I recommend it to supplement your anti-virus software.  Our initial installs showed 6 to 7 thousand users online with Immunet.  Now, months later you will see well over 200,000 users online with Immunet.
Immunet provides this description – Every time someone in this collective community encounters a threat everyone else in the community gains protection from that same threat in real-time. You no longer have to rely on the isolated security of your current AntiVirus vendor.


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